The promise of Jesus was that the Holy Spirit would come as another Helper (Comforter or Counsellor). He was going to be exactly like the first Helper who is Jesus.

The Holy Spirit is the representative of Jesus and his living presence in our lives
This means the Holy Spirit was going to be the abiding presence of Jesus and the Father in the lives of all believers who received the Holy Spirit after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Holy Spirit would become the permanent indwelling and empowering presence of Christ in our lives. That way we will never be left orphaned or abandoned by God. He abides with us forever. This is the birthright of every blood-bought believer in Jesus.
Key Thought
The Holy Spirit is the representative of Jesus and his living presence in our lives. He is perfectly qualified to carry to us and become in us everything that Jesus and the Father is. This is the highest privilege the New Testament believer has ? to be the dwelling place of God.
Abba God, thank you that you have not left me powerless and alone. Thank you that I am not an orphan, but a son (or daughter) of the living God. Thank you for your living presence in me.
Discipleship Steps
The living presence of Christ is a reality in your life by the Holy Spirit. Every believer has the promise of this presence which can never be a gift the world can receive. But the Holy Spirit is not to be taken for granted. Some go through the whole of their lives and never truly get acquainted with the Holy Spirit or experience his rich fullness in their lives. Get to know the Holy Spirit, his ways, his gifts, his enabling and learn to experience fellowship with him every day.