John the Baptist was called to prepare the way for Christ, and his ministry focused on a baptism in water.

Nicolas Poussin Saint John Baptizing in the River Jordan
Thousands came from all Judea to be baptised by him as a sign of their repentance and willingness to receive the Christ who was about to be revealed. But John was clear that the Messiah would bring a baptism which was to be far greater than anything Israel had ever conceived. It was a baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. Just as John plunged his followers into the River Jordan so the Christ would plunge his followers into the cleansing and empower river of the Holy Spirit.
Key Thought
John?s baptism was a baptism into water, but Jesus? baptism means you are immersed into the realm of the Holy Spirit. John took his followers up out of the waters of his baptism, but Jesus? baptism into the Holy Spirit is permanent. You go on living in the presence of the Spirit.
Lord, saturate me once more with your Spirit. Help me to find the fullness of this experience of living in your presence. Keep me in the freshness of life in the Spirit.
Discipleship Steps
Being baptised in the Holy Spirit means that you are not only permanently plunged into the realm of the Holy Spirit and that you experience his presence and power. It also means that the Holy Spirit?s influences begin to penetrate every part of your life, just as water begins to penetrate every part of a sponge immersed in water. To be truly filled with the Holy Spirit is an awesome experience. It introduces you to a lifetime of being constantly saturated by God.