God has given you a high and holy calling. His grace and goodness have endowed you with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

A Touch of Heaven on Earth
Seated with Christ in heavenly places, your position is stunning. But all this has to do with your heavenly status. What about your earthly walk? The two are connected. God has not left you without hope or direction in the world, powerless to live above the forces of your earthly environment. He has called you and empowered you to live practically, in your day to day experience, a life that reflects your heavenly environment.
Key Thought
To walk worthy of the calling you have received means that you are called and empowered to live out, through your day-to-day experience, who you are in Christ. It means that your practical walk on this earth reflects your spiritual and heavenly position in Christ.
Lord, thank you for who I am in Christ. I choose the path of love and humility so that through my life today I can reflect a little bit of heaven into this empty world.
Discipleship Steps
To be heavenly-minded is not only right; it is essential. But it is not right to leave it like that. We must also try to reflect the conditions and attitudes of heaven in our daily life on earth. That means consciously walking in the light of our heavenly position and showing the reality of our faith through daily examples of the difference Christ makes to us. Much of this has to do with the way we establish, grow and maintain relationships with people. Love just about covers it all.