The mind is the real battleground of Christian living. To surrender to the Lord and to live totally for him is simply the logical or reasonable response of a life that has been brought to enjoy the mercies of God.

Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind
But God goes further than that. He wants us to prove for ourselves that his way is good, acceptable and perfect. He says, ?Trust me and see for yourself.? As we turn away from the things that we thought would bring us fulfillment and turn to the Lord as the only fountain of fullness and satisfaction we really do experience that God is good and that his way works.
Key Thought
Fullness is found only in the Lord and the things he chooses to provide. But to translate this belief into a daily life-style of following after the Lord takes a profound repentance, or change of mind. You must forsake your former ideas of happiness and totally embrace God?s will.
Lord, I thank you for every mercy of yours in my life. I surrender to your will in deep gratitude and with much joy. I want to keep on proving to the world that your way is best.
Discipleship Steps
The greatest lie of the enemy is that life can work without God. This lie lingers long in our minds because we find ourselves still looking for people, situations or things other than God to meet the deepest needs of our heart. Spiritual growth can only happen when we abandon these old, sinful and idolatrous beliefs and go God?s way trusting him and him alone to meet our needs. Prove today, by what you say and do, that you really believe God?s way is best.