Wisdom truly begins with fearing the Lord. When you understand who God is ? that he is the creator and sovereign ruler of all things, then you be ready to respect him fully.

The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom, proverbs 9-10
There can be no greater wisdom than lining up with the ultimate reality of the universe. Without this holy regard to who God is and his claims over your life you will always tend in the direction of self and the mere opinions of this world. But the fear of the Lord is concerned with more than a mere moral code or philosophical principle. It has to do with personal and intimate knowledge of God who not only commands respect, but rewards all those who truly follow him with the fullness of his life.
Key Thought
Those who scoff at the fear of the Lord will miss out on everything he has but those who surrender to it will be rewarded with all that God is as the author and sustainer of life.
Lord, I surrender to your holy fear in my life today. I want all that you are and all that you have for me. Please help me learn your wisdom and your way for me today.
Discipleship Steps
The centre of control and the fountain of wisdom do not lie within us, that is, in ourselves. Instead Jesus Christ, as the Lord of all, is the one who directs and controls. But this control does not operate independently of our will and our choices. If we recognise that we will begin to understand, not only the fear of the Lord, but also the wisdom that flows from it. Knowing that the Lord will not manipulate or dominate us, we yield to him freely and willingly.