As the Father loved me, I also have loved you; abide in my love (John 15:9).?Jesus reveals to us the main ingredient of joy. It all has to do with abiding in him and his love.

Love that Brings Joy
When we learn to depend on him we have confidence in his ability and enabling. We stop striving in our own efforts to gain his attention. We already have it. We rejoice in his love for us and explore the riches of divine friendship.
Jesus gives us the confidence that our spiritual lives are secure in his prior love of us. Our joy springs from knowing that he will meet our every need. It results in a life of fruitfulness in place of frustration. And it is sealed by our response to his love for us. The joy-filled life is about loving Christ and learning to love one another.
The source of joy and victory, of fruitfulness and provision in your life is being joined to Christ. These things are the result of the life of Christ in you and in your fellow believers. You cannot be joyful or successful separated from Christ, the vine, or from the branches, your fellow disciples.
The source of joy and victory, of fruitfulness and provision in your life is being joined to Christ. These things are the result of the life of Christ in you and in your fellow believers. You cannot be joyful or successful separated from Christ, the vine, or from the branches, your fellow disciples.