Trust in the Lord with all your heart,?And lean not on your own understanding;?In all your ways acknowledge Him,?And He shall direct your paths.?Proverbs 3:5-6?

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord
Today we see three principles of guidance. If we follow these steps God?s guidance will always be clear. We may not fully understand God?s leading, but we will always be clear on the direction we should be taking. Proverbs tells us first of all to trust the LORD with all our heart. Without this we cannot hope to hear God clearly, and if we do we probably will not be willing to listen to him anyway. Then, we must be willing to lay aside our own opinions and understanding in favour of God?s Word to us. Finally, we must be willing to obey what he says to us. These three things will bring God?s clear guidance.
Key Thought
Trusting God and his ability to guide you is essential. You must learn to reject all human or worldly-wise advice that goes against God?s clear leading in your life. Even if you don?t fully understand why God is taking you in a certain direction, you can be sure his way is best.
Please help me, Lord, to hear your voice in the midst of so many other voices clamouring for my attention. I choose not to listen to the word of man or rely on my own understanding. Instead I put my trust in you and in your Word.
Discipleship Steps
Your natural inclination in situations of stress, confusion or challenge could well be to resort to your own wisdom or to rely on some human understanding of what you should do. But if you are determined to follow the Lord, you will wait patiently for the Lord?s way forward and rely solely on his direction for your life. In the end you will be glad that you didn?t rush ahead in your own strength.