Reading this verse in context shows that there are serious consequences that come from rejecting God?s way of wisdom.

You are safe with Christ
But the fruit of wisdom is security and we can be sure God will keep us secure from all evil. This is not an insurance policy against anything negative from ever happening to us, but it is an assurance of God?s peace and protection at all times. Walking on the path of wisdom is itself a guarantee of security and protection. Because wisdom is basically ?knowing how to make life work? we can be sure that God?s wisdom is a sufficient foundation for a building a secure life.
Key Thought
Ignoring God?s voice is dangerous and exposes you to the threats of evil and harm, but going God?s way brings peace, protection and security in every part of your life ? physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Lord, I choose to accept your path of wisdom and the way of responsiveness to your voice. Please help me follow you and rest in your secure protection at all times.
Discipleship Steps
Listening to God is as much about what you reject as it is about what you embrace. Self-help, human-based thinking and worldly-based wisdom bring no security in the final analysis. Often these things have a show of wisdom but are in fact short-cut steps to disaster. Make sure that you are listening to the right advice ? godly, Bible-based instruction and not ideas rooted in the feel-good or sense-based wisdom of this world. Where is the security in that?
Read: Proverbs 1:33