Intimacy with God brings a sense of security and protection. It also brings you a sense of freedom, as you know God will deliver you from every evil and take you out of harms way.

Enjoy the freedom to live without fear
He will rescue you from fear ? both of the unknown and unpredictable terrors of the night as well as the more obvious things that would strike you in broad daylight. Round-the-clock security and protection is your inheritance as you seek the Lord with all of your heart. This protection will keep you steady when all around you are falling. Don?t let the enemy intimidate you with his threats of destruction. The Lord is your refuge.
Key Thought
You can enjoy security, safety and the protection of the Lord because you have made Him your refuge. This is the basis of your no-fear attitude to the world. The Lord?s presence covers and protects you at all times ? day or night
Lord, I choose to trust you today and make you my refuge. I will not be afraid but praise you because you are with me both in the difficult times and in the times of peace.
Discipleship Steps
Making God your refuge is a deliberate choice. It also must become a chosen life-style controlling your actions and behaviour. A disciple of Christ bases his or her attitudes on the knowledge of God?s presence and protection in all things. They do not run here and there looking for relief or comfort in times of trial or difficulty. If the Lord is your refuge, then you go to Him and place your confidence in the Rock, Christ Jesus. Re-affirm your confidence and quite trust in Him today.