The word ?hope? in the Bible is never ?hope so? or ?maybe?. It always means something certain, something we look for in the future and something that will surely come.

There is only one way by which we can have Hope, Jesus.
As Christians we always have hope (a confident expectation) that God will come through for us. Psalm 130 shows that our hope is the Lord Himself. As you watch and wait confidently expect your answer from the Lord. He will never fail you. He has already saved you and set you free from your sins, and so how can He not bring with His salvation every good thing in your life? His willingness and ability to rescue you never diminishes.
Key Thought
God has shown His mercy to you in not dealing with you according to your iniquities. Because He has already forgiven you of your wrong doing, you can be sure that He will never fail you in one single detail of your life. All He wants is for you to put your confidence in Him and in Him alone.
Lord, I put my trust in you and place all my hopes and dreams in you. Please help me to confidently wait for you to act on my behalf in all situations, no matter how difficult that may be at times.
Discipleship Steps
Discipleship begins with experiencing God?s mercy. We deserve one thing, but God gives us something else ? His grace and forgiveness. This brings us into a relationship of love and deep respect for Him in every area of our lives. And this inspires confidence in God for His provision and help through all the circumstances and situations of life. Resist the temptation to take matters in your own hands. Rather look to God and wait, patiently and confidently, for Him to act.
Read: Psalm 130
Below, a beautiful song by Matt Redman: