With all the emotional ups and downs of life and the pressure we face in modern society, how then does one keep pure and walk in emotional and sexual freedom? There are a number of common sense things you can do that will help:
Firstly, you can help yourself by not reading many of today?s popular magazines that are a flimsy excuse for pornography. The current trend for mass market ?lifestyle? magazines is to have articles on sex from beginning to end ? the ?top ten tips for a better sex life? etc. Such features are an excuse to display many explicit pictures, along with no-holds barred write ups that go into great detail.

The cover of cosmopolitan-october-2011- The current trend for mass market ?lifestyle? magazines is to have articles on sex from beginning to end ? the ?top ten tips for a better sex life?
Secondly, you can help yourself by not watching movies that also are nothing more than glorified pornography and which underwrite and ?approve? of casual sexual relationships. If you do watch such movies or TV programs then all that will happen is your sex drive will be stimulated and you will begin to focus more on more about how you might go about satisfying those urges.
Thirdly, in Ephesians 4:22-23 Paul tells us that when we become new creatures in Christ we must ?put off? our old life and the lifestyle that accompanied it and follow Christ completely. Of course that means receiving wholeness and healing in Christ, but it also means we must be vigilant about our lifestyle generally, to ensure that we don?t slip into bad habits which are alien to our new life in Christ.
Fourthly, don?t try to fill emotional voids in your life with anything other than God. The topic of this book is sexuality, so I have focused on that area, but there are many other things that people use to try to ?heal? themselves emotionally, instead of allowing Jesus to do it. It could be money, power, success, ambition. Whatever we focus on, other than God, to bring fulfilment pushes God into second place. The thing that is driving us, whatever it may be, becomes an idol in our life and eventually will take us over completely. Jesus must be at the centre of your life as Lord and Saviour. If He?s not, then you are living in disobedience to God. Partial obedience is no obedience at all.
Many have made their relationship with another person their idol. It has become of paramount importance in their life, rather than God. As soon as we find someone who eases our loneliness and emptiness, we become addicted to it. Suddenly we ?can?t live without them? and we talk about them all day long. Yes, it can be a beautiful, pure, love relationship as God intended ? but very often it isn?t. It?s trying to have your needs met in the wrong way. If the relationship doesn?t work out, then you will end up being wounded.

Don't carry heavy luggage...
If you are a person who is living with guilt from the past, maybe because you?ve had a string of relationships, or have been trapped in some kind of sexual sin, I want to tell you that you don?t have to continue carrying that guilt. Jesus loves you, He died for you, and He has forgiveness for you if you will just come to Him and release the burden into His hands.
If, after praying, you still feel the pain and are troubled, then you may need to seek some assistance through counselling, but God will make you whole if you desire it. God will heal every wound if you let Him touch every area of your life.
We carry around a lot of baggage with us because we are often not prepared to trust God with every part of our lives. If we don?t trust Him totally, then we will be inclined to snatch certain areas of our life back from Him ? just in case we don?t like how He handles them. Jesus wants to heal you, but you have to give Him permission to do so. The blood of Jesus can cleanse you from any area of impurity, and set you free from any area you are struggling with. Find a quiet place today, and release to Him all those hurts of the past and the things you have done that you are ashamed of, and His mercy and grace will touch your life and bring healing.