Fruit that brings Joy!
?Jesus reveals to us the ingredients of joy. It all has to do with abiding in Him and His love.
It means we have confidence in His ability and enabling. It rests on the fact of Christ?s death for us and His friendship towards us. He gives us the confidence that our spiritual lives rest secure in His prior choice of us. It springs from knowing that He will meet our every need in answer to our prayers. And it results in a life of fruitfulness in place of frustration. And this joy is sealed by our response to His love for us. The joy-filled life is about loving Christ and loving one another.
Key Thought
The source of joy and victory, of fruitfulness and provision in your life is being joined to Christ. These things are the result of the life of Christ in you and in your fellow believers. You cannot be joyful or successful separated from Christ, the vine, or from the branches, your fellow disciples
Lord, I choose to live in the vine and draw my strength to live and love today from You. Help me to bear fruit and for that fruit to remain. I rejoice today in the joy that You give to me.
Discipleship Steps
Take the ingredients of joy outlined in the explanation above and check out how far these things are at work in you. God wants you to enjoy the full experience of His joy and this is achievable as you continue to mix these ingredients into your life until they become a daily part of you. Today, make it your goal to be consciously resting and abiding in the vine, so that you are deliberately drawing your resources from Him. Remember, you can do nothing without Him.