Living under the Rain of God's Favour
Read Psalm 5. This Psalm contrasts the lifestyle of the wicked with the righteous. The righteous enjoy the blessing of God while the wicked will not.
God?s favour is seen in answered prayer, joyful worship, strength of life and deliverance from your enemies. The righteous can enjoy God?s favour in all things and know the blessings of obedience. This doesn?t mean, however, that the righteous will never suffer or be tested. Whatever tests you are experiencing now, remember God?s blessing is on the righteous and His favour surrounds you like a shield.
Key Thought
God has freely given you His favour in Christ, but to enjoy this favour in your life, you must flow with God?s will and purpose. God?s favour is upon all who look to Him and follow His way. Learn to honour His name and you will be able to rejoice in all circumstances.
Lord, I thank you for your favour over my life. Help me to live always under this favour and not to forfeit it by making the wrong choices and decisions. Lead me and guide me in your ways.
Discipleship Steps
Discipleship is all about following God?s ways in Christ. It is doing what Jesus would do. You are called to follow a person and not a legalistic formula. Nevertheless there are blessings to receive along the way as you walk in obedience. Decide to live under God?s favour and invoke these blessings through your obedience. Have courage as you face any negative circumstances today because God is with you.