Let us ignite the fire of Revival
It is time to dedicate our lives afresh to the Lord and experience personal revival. It is my conviction that personal revival preceeds corporate revival.
More than twenty years ago, God showed me that revival is coming to Britain. It is not going to be automatic – something that will come whatever happens. Rather it is the plan and purpose of God to bring us once more into the possibilities of the riches of His grace and power.
God is the living God and He hasn’t lost His power. Neither has He lost His compassion for the lost and those separated from Him in sin.
Jesus Christ has shed His sacrificial blood for London and the nation – in fact for all the nations of the world. He didn’t die in vain. God promises to pour out of His Spirit upon all humankind (See Joel 2:28).
Jesus is coming back for a victorious Church – not a defeated people! But there is a battle taking place for the soul and the destiny of our nation. It is time for us to rise up and take this battle seriously.
There can be no more marginalising of God’s purposes in our lives – no more playing church, no more superficial living and no more neglect of the kingdom of God.
Unless we rise up and live entirely for eternal things we will not see the fullness of God – we will not see the promise fulfilled. It is time for sacrifice; it is time for total commitment.
I do not join those who are prophesying that Britain’s destiny is fixed, that it is going to be handed over to the forces of false religion and antichristian philosophy.
I believe in the Living God who will act to bring us to the place of blessing and restoration.
Dear Colin,
I loved reading some of your excerpts and I love your take on Britain and personal revival.
I bumped into you in Denmark many years ago at IAH (1995) where you did a theme week and then I was an entrenched bachelor ( I still have a cassette where you preach on in Kolding, Denmark) – we chatted a bit over coffee and I loved your passion for the prophetic and the new things of God. My family of 5 have recently relocated to the UK (Marlow, Buckinghamshire) from South Africa and I would love a follow-up coffee if that would be possible.
Be blessed Colin.
John Rasmussen