Deux poids, deux mesures
Or how our authorities encourage Muslim groups at the expense of Christian groups. The Islamo-collabos strike again.
Is France still the land of human rights? What happened to our beautiful Marianne? What characterizes a democracy is freedom of expression, thought, and freedom of religion. We know that in many Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran, Christians are persecuted, the apostates executed. What about our land in Europe, what happened to our Judeo-Christian heritage?
The story that follows illustrates a phenomenon all too recurrent in France today and reflects the pressure on those who seek only to exercise their right to freedom of worship.
David and Christine, a couple of evangelical pastors in the Paris region has borne the brunt of what can be described as persecution by local authorities since 2007.
As they were about to own their premises in Bagnolet, an Islamic group bought the place they were supposed to occupy and began to use as a illegal mosque. The trustee filed a complaint against them and the response was disproportionate. These Muslims attacked the trustee and took several people hostage to sow terror in order to continue their religious activities on the premises at will. The mayor gave way to fear and intimidation and the illegal mosque managed to take hold.
David and Christine then took the decision to go to court. The first ruling was to prohibit the use of the room to Muslims and to the church. But after an appeal, the decision was made by the judge to allow the mosque to continue, and David and Christine had no choice but to leave.
In 2008, when they chose to settle in Noisy-Le-Sec, and open a conference center, a multipurpose venue whose function is to serve the community. The idea was not necessarily to open a place of worship, but to create a recreation area to help local youth. The mayor was looking forward to this project until they learn that David and Christine were pastors. Since then they have continued to fight for the right to use the new premises, but the mayor has done everything to oppose this project. Lie after lie, all excuses are good to keep this couple to use the room. The excuses most often advanced are the safety concerns of the building, yet everything is standard. David and Christine are completely exhausted and stressed. While mosques obtain authorizations by fear and intimidation, this couple does not seem to see the end of the tunnel. All they ask is to exercise their freedom of worship in a free country. Welcome to Eurabia, where the churches become underground, and where mosques abound.
What to do? How to act? Contact us. Leave your comments.
– SEPT 2005 Meeting with the 1st Assistant Mayor. He brings out the red carpet for the establishment of a project such as a CONFERENCE Centre.
– NOV 2005 Meeting with the Mayor, . She is very supportive of the PROJECT.
– JULY 2006 Submission of Planning PERMISSION
– AUGUST 2006 The Mayor’s office DESENGAGE from the land and we receive the D.I.A (Declaration d Intention d Ali?ner) (Notice of Intent to Dispose of [Real] Property)
– AUTUMN 2006. We were obliged to pour concrete into the foundation to obtain the PC. (Planning Permission) at a COST of 100?000?.
– JANUARY 2007 PERMISSION to Build granted
– FEBRUARY 2007 The Mayor’s office changes it’s mind and wants to freeze all projects in the zone. But they did not inform us.
-The rest of the year it was difficult to obtain FINANCES
– JANUARY 2008. We were summoned By the Mayor. ?She was angry because David is a Pastor.
She said they will give us a compensation and we had to leave.
Nothing has been done in that regard.
– She didn’t want to take a decision on our application
-?She lost the post of MAYOR IN DEC 2010.
– NEW MAYOR ?12 DEC 2010.
– The former mayor becomes Assistant MAYOR with responsibility for Town Planning.
– Since then we’ve submitted two applications to regularise our installation. Both refused.
– The last one which is still outstanding,
– 22 DEC 2011. ??STAY OF PROCEEDINGS for.? 2 to 3 YEARS?? This means that during this period the Mayor’s office doesn’t want to make a decision.
– All the services of the PREFECTURE, Fire Brigade, HANDICAPPED and POLICE have given a FAVORABLE report.
– The AUTHORISATION for Opening is in the hands of the Mayor but he refuses to do it.
– They are quite annoyed that they had granted us the PC and they are trying to OPPRESS us MORALLY by REFUSING TO give us this AUTHORISATION for Several REASONS.
Firstly and?PRINCIPALLY It is the cost of COMPENSATING US IF ONE DAY the installation is done. The other reason has never been written down on paper, the fact that David is a?PASTOR.
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