It is time to receive from God with a child-like Faith
“I am watching over my Word to perform it” (Jeremiah 1:12).?When God speaks a word over your life, he watches over it until the time of its fulfilment. In this prophetic season many are nurturing promises given to them by God years ago. It is time to bring these out again and, together with the Holy Spirit, keep watch over them. That’s how we partner with the Holy Spirit in the fulfilment of God’s prophetic word to us.
God’s Word is living and active. It is a moving, breathing word because it is spoken by his living breath – the Spirit of God! Paul says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (God-breathed), and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
Notice he says “The Scripture is God-breathed”; not, “was God-breathed”. God’s word always IS. It is being carried upon God’s breath. What he spoke in years gone by – is still being spoken. Not a single word is lost or forgotten.
God says he is watching over the word he has given you: “I am watching over it; like a hen broods over her eggs”. The Hebrew word is shaqad which means “to be alert, to be awake, to be on the lookout”. We watch with him as we intercede concerning the word he has spoken over us. We watch with him when we believe that what God has said he has power to fulfil. Every word of God carries within it the power for its own fulfilment. He will never let his word fall to the ground.
Have you heard a word from the Lord, maybe recently, or perhaps many years ago? God has not forgotten what he said to you. It is time to bring that word before him and hold onto it with complete confidence that what he has promised he will fulfil.
I have a feeling that many of us are entering into a time of prophetic fulfilment. Keep that word fresh. Believe it. Proclaim it. Intercede over it. And wait for it – it will surely come!