Freedom from religion
Jesus came to set us free from the bondage of religious teaching that continues to hold us captive to sin ? always more to do, always more sins to be forgiven, always more repentance needed. We have been saved from ?the uttermost to the uttermost? ? from the state of uttermost sin and condemnation to the state of uttermost salvation. This uttermost salvation of total forgiveness is guaranteed by Jesus Christ our heavenly High Priest.
Therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
Hebrews 7:25
Once we are saved, our relationship with God is on a totally different footing. We now live under the blood of Jesus. Through the blood, God becomes our Father, and no longer deals with us according to the principle of the law. Through the blood, the condemnation of the law is removed forever from our lives. As a loving, heavenly Father, he draws us closer and closer to his heart, and leads us out of the works of darkness so that we can enjoy fellowship with him in the light.
In other words, we were cleansed once for all at the cross and the blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing us as we walk in the light with him. When we sin, we bring it to the light, with full assurance that the blood is cleansing us and removing any hindrance to our fellowship with God. We own our sin in his holy presence only to disown it in the light of his grace and forgiveness. We never allow guilt or sin-consciousness to have a resting place in our hearts. We maintain a clear conscience before God by walking in the light of his love. This is true repentance ? we reject our sin and embrace who we are in Christ.