The Father requires worship
October is our annual Cell Conference month. This year the theme is True Worshippers. My goal is that we should all move closer to the Father by learning the lost art and true meaning of worship. As a cell church, we know that the real life of the church is found in the cells, just as in the human body. Worship is part of our DNA as Christians. That’s why genuine worship beginning in the cells and extending to the celebration services makes for a healthy and active church. During the conference, the Friday and Saturday daytime seminars will explore the part worship plays both in cell meetings and celebration services.
Keeping your focus
When we worship God in spirit and truth, we maintain our focus on him, we orientate our lives around him and we see ourselves as we truly are. Our lives are hidden with Christ in God because, now, Christ is our life. That’s why we set our affection and our minds fully on him. Worship is one of the main ways we do that. And that’s one of the reasons God requires our worship.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus reveals that the Father is seeking true worshippers – those who bring him genuine and sincere worship (John 4:23). The word translated “seek” in this verse carries an important nuance. It means “to require”, and that shows worship is not an optional extra but something that God expects us to give him.
This is a strange concept in our self-centred world. To unspiritual ears it sounds that God is looking to boost himself by the adoration of others. But he is not like us. We may crave attention and acclamation. He does not. Worship breaks the cycle of our self-centredness and answers the need we have to look away from ourselves to the presence and power of our Father in heaven.
Linking with heaven
Worship enables us to “behold the glory of the Lord” and to realize that the “veil of separation” has been removed. Intimacy is mixed with wonder and adoration. That is the mainspring of our Christian existence. Worship is liberating and life-affirming because it is our link with heaven. As we gaze in awe at our holy and righteous God we find some of that goodness released in our hearts. The Holy Spirit brings about his energizing transformation within. We rise from the place of worship refreshed, changed, and ready to take on our earthly challenges.
God bless you as you worship and serve God with us this month.