The battle is truly for the mind. The enemy has only three weapons to use against us ?deception, which brings temptation which opens the door to accusation. All of these activities operate from within the mind.

Spiritual battles require spiritual weapons.The strongholds of Satan over your mind are brought down and you become free to follow Christ wholeheartedly.
The devil suggests something to us, and we see it in our mind?s eye. He whispers his thoughts and our imagination protects them onto the screen of our mind. These become powerful arguments within us inciting us to reject the wisdom of God. But equally, if we resist these vain imaginations and hold onto the wisdom of God, every wicked thing is cast down from our minds and we have victory over the devil.
Key Thought
Spiritual battles require spiritual weapons. God has given you the full force of his wisdom to cast down arguments and to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. That way the strongholds of Satan over your mind are brought down and you become free to follow Christ wholeheartedly.
Lord, I reject every false argument and vain imagination of Satan in my mind. I bring every thought of mine captive to the obedience of Christ, now, in the name of Jesus! Amen.
Discipleship Steps
Dealing with your thought life is a crucial part of following Christ. Ideas have consequences and false notions lead you down wrong, even disastrous, paths. Reject the lies of Satan that come through popular culture, human wisdom and the thoughts that build strongholds in your mind. It is absolutely essential that you spend time each day in the Word and in prayer, tearing down every argument and making every thought captive to Christ.
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