Divine & Human Rebellions (Hub Lectures A4 booklet)

Advanced Biblical Study – Interacting with the Scriptures to affirm a fully biblical worldview.
Why is the world the way it is? What’s gone wrong? 21st Century Christians might point to The Fall (Genesis 3:1-24) as the explanation. But a 1st Century Jew would probably also mention two other events. First, Genesis 6:1-5 where the “sons of God” cohort with the daughters of man, producing the Nephilim and greatly exacerbate the corruption of humanity. Second, Genesis 11:1-9, the story of Babel, where people defy God’s injunction to reproduce Eden in all the earth. Instead, they settle in one place and attempt to make “a name” for themselves by building a tower (Ziggurat) with the intention of bringing God down to where they decided he should be.

Lecture Titles:

  • The nachash and the fall of humanity
  • The knowledge of good and evil
  • The sons of God and the nephalim
  • The Sethite interpretation of Genesis 6:1-6
  • The Tower of Babel
  • The Deuteronomy 32 worldview

Living Word Series



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