The spirit's activity
Or the physical and emotional effects of the Holy Spirit in people's lives Pentecostal and charismatic Christians are no strangers to the idea of physical effects resulting from the Holy Spirit's activity. They expect that the coming of the Spirit will normally...
The Love that Brings Joy
As the Father loved me, I also have loved you; abide in my love (John 15:9).?Jesus reveals to us the main ingredient of joy. It all has to do with abiding in him and his love. When we learn to depend on him we have confidence in his ability and enabling. We stop...
The Race of Faith
Living in the 2012 Olympic City, we can relate to the common biblical comparison of the Christian faith to an athletic track event. The author of the letter to the Hebrew believers encouraged his readers to strip away every impediment of sin so that they could run...
Will we sell our souls for the sake of our present comforts?
Satan goaded God with these words believing that he had found the ultimate human weakness: "A man will give everything he has for his life" (See Job 2:4-5). This accusation certainly exposes a deep fear in the human personality. Our frail humanity makes us vulnerable...
The Father's Grace
Many believers hear more about the price of forgiveness and the cost of salvation than about the free-and-overflowing grace of the Father who, in his passionate desire for the homecoming of sinners, gave up his only Son.?We do not need to understand everything about...