Life Documentary
A Light To The Nations – HIGHLIGHTS
This unique documentary on Colin Dye’s life was premiered on YouTube on Monday 2nd December.
Born in Kenya in 1953, Colin also lived for a time in Australia before going to London at the age of 16 to train at the Royal Ballet School. Two years later he encountered Jesus Christ and shortly afterwards joined the Royal Ballet Company as a professional dancer. Over the next 3 years he performed several principal roles.
However, convinced of a different vocation, Colin left the Royal Ballet and attended Theological College. After graduation, he served in Christian drug rehabilitation, seeing many young people delivered from drug and alcohol addiction.
In 1979, Colin married Amanda. They have one daughter, Elizabeth. In the same year, he was accepted into the Kensington Temple ministry. In 1985, Colin became associate minister to Wynne Lewis, who had succeeded Eldin Corsie as Senior Minister of Kensington Temple. He himself was appointed Senior Minister in 1991.
Soon after that, Colin’s ministry developed both nationally and internationally. Alongside preaching and teaching he experienced a surge of prophecy, words of knowledge and gifts of healings. In various missions around the world, he began to see signs, wonders and miracles accompany his ministry while also seeing significant church growth at home in London.
Also at this time, Colin founded the International Bible Institute of London which became one of the nation’s premier centres of church-based training for ministry. Colin’s vision to equip and release workers for Christian ministry was being fulfilled as hundreds of students passed through the school’s various programmes.
From the year 2000 Colin and his leadership team in KT began working with the G12 cell vision developed by Cesar Castellanos in Bogota, Columbia. Over the next several years, KT became a fully-fledged cell-based church following the Model of 12 and this small group structure became the mainstay of church life and ministry.
Over the years, Colin was closely involved in KT’s vision to set up satellite churches. He pastored KT’s first officially recognised satellite church in Barnet in 1985 and opened a church in Northolt. During the 1990’s, he established the London City Church Network as the newly planted KT churches joined together to reach London for Christ.
In 2021, having served for a total of 40 years in official pastoral ministry, Colin and Amanda stepped aside from KT leadership to serve internationally as KT Adjunct Missionaries, while remaining a part of KT. This fixed-term appointment was from November 2021 to October 2024.
Colin and Amanda will continue to serve together, independently of any official position. They are moving forward with faith and enthusiasm, confident that all true ministry belongs to the Holy Spirit and cannot be limited to ecclesiastical appointments. Current areas of ministry include preaching, teaching, training, counselling, mentoring and encouraging. Their passion is to walk on the journey of life together with people of all faiths and none, and reach out to people from all backgrounds, especially those who are being marginalized by society and sadly also being ignored by many churches and denominations today.