
Revival or Survival?

It is time to dedicate our lives afresh to the Lord and experience personal revival. It is my conviction that personal revival preceeds corporate revival. More than twenty years ago, God showed me that revival is coming to Britain. It is not going to be automatic -...

Jesus the Servant King

In today's teaching, let's take time to focus on the Kingship of Jesus Christ. The Kings David, Saul and Solomon were all gifted and enabled by the Holy Spirit to supernaturally rule God's people. Jesus, the eternal King, did not manifest his kingdom rule and...

The Holy Spirit's Work Today

Throughout the Bible, the Spirit is shown to bring decisive change. Many people concentrate on only one or two aspects of the Spirit's work - and miss out on some of His glory. Some emphasise His power for witness, others stress His purity, or spiritual gifts and...

Pray with Fasting

The Bible says you can supercharge your prayers through the neglected discipline of fasting. Biblical fasting has two main purposes. First, it expresses your deep sorrow and mourning for sin. Second, it shows that you are serious about seeking God. They are the two...


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.