Hi there! I’m Colin
Fellow traveller on the journey of life


Advanced Biblical Study

Interacting with the Scriptures to affirm a fully biblical worldview

The Hub Lectures focus on the place of the supernatural unseen realm in biblical theology. From this perspective many ‘strange’ biblical passages begin to make sense and come together to form the overarching story of God.

    • Who are the heavenly sons of God who are found in numerous OT texts?
    • Who is the nacash of Genesis 3, and what does he achieve in the Garden of Eden?
    • Who are the nephalim of Genesis 6?
    • What does the story of Babel in Genesis 11 tell us about the status of the nations and the spiritual powers that rule them?
    • What is the worldview revealed in Deuteronomy 32:8-9?
    • What does all this tell us about God’s plan to re-unite heaven and earth at the climax of world history?

Aslan Ministries

Aslan Ministries is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation: No 1198950 and subscribes to the Evangelical Alliance Statement of Beliefs.

Find out more

The Christian Life




A prophetic and apostolic ministry to Britain and the nations with decades of experience in training and releasing men and women into Christian ministry.
My focus is on networking and mentoring younger ministers in today’s spiritual landscape. Serving those who are looking for more than traditional church structures and training programmes.



  • Working nationally (UK) and across the nations
  • Connecting with new generation ministries for a new spiritual season
  • Ministry Coaching for those in ministry or aspiring to Christian leadership
  • Networking with a cross section of ministries moving in the power of the Spirit and aligned to Kingdom principles
  • Releasing leaders into the Fivefold ministry by identifying and deploying ministry giftings

My name is Colin Dye and I am a spiritual trainer and equipper. I have been a Christian leader and inspirational speaker for 50 years. I have travelled to 44 different countries as a teacher, trainer and equipper in large events and small. More than titles or positions, I like to think of myself as a fellow traveller on the journey of life.

For 31 years I was the Senior Leader of Kensington Temple, London City Church, the largest church in the Elim denomination. During that time I also developed an international apostolic and prophetic teaching ministry.

I’ve written over 40 books – translated into 10 different languages – all of them with the purpose of training and equipping others to be effective in Christian life and ministry.

Colin and Amanda (Married June 1979)

A Light
To The Nations

This unique documentary on Colin Dye's life shows how God uses us for his purpose.

Watchman Awake! ► Youtube playlist

Introducing Watchman

6:25 min

Watchman Declaration

5:01 min

Declaration Part 1

2:02 min

Declaration Part 2

2:01 min

Declaration Part 3

3:03 min

Declaration Part 4

4:32 min

Declaration Part 5

4:55 min

Declaration Part 6

5:10 min

Declaration Part 7

4:11 min

Jesus and Religion ► Youtube playlist

Jesus & Religion

13:34 min

Jesus & Spirituality

14:08 min

Jesus & Politics

16:43 min

Jesus & Morality

16:06 min

Jesus & Truth

12:12 min

Unloading your life

4:35 min | Full message: Receiving the Kingdom

On our own we are spiritually blind

2:31 min | Full message: Renewing Your Vision

You have been called by God

4:05 min | Full message: Live Your Calling

Why would God punish his Son?

3:14 min | Full message: The Sacrifice of Christ

Can you lose salvation?

1:25 min | Full message: In the Grip of Grace

Steps towards getting to know Jesus

2 min | Full message: Time for Action

Unloading your life

4:35 min | Full message: Receiving the Kingdom

On our own we are spiritually blind

2:31 min | Full message: Renewing Your Vision

You have been called by God

4:05 min | Full message: Live Your Calling

Colin Dye Up Close


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.